2,024 Miles

After 10 months of being back in Oklahoma Jennifer has signed a new contract and this one is the farthest we will travel. This 2,020 miles trip beats our previous trip to New York by close to 500 miles! Our destination is “The beaver state”  Oregon! We are heading out to in a couple of weeks for our 6 (maybe) day journey west. Keep an eye out for tons of pictures and if there is any place we should stop along our 31 hour long route let us know!

The Next Stop

on to New York

Well Jennifer has signed a new contract and we have figured out a living arrangement so now is the time to announce our next move. We are currently in South Carolina but come the end of march we will be located in New York. This will be a change for us for this leg of the journey. we have been making our RV our home for the past 9 months. but since we are heading north to New York we will not have a place to set up our camp. this is because the only park around will not open until almost 2 months after we arrive. so for this assignment we will be parking the RV and staying in an AirBnB. We will be sad to see our home on wheels parked for a few months especially after having just finishing selling our first home but this opportunity we think is worth the change. the new location is in Saratoga Springs, New York and is over 860 miles away from us currently. but we will be making another trip home first we are looking at putting almost 2800 miles on the truck this trip. This will be a long trip but going home to see family is always worth the drive. Screenshot (92)

Let us know what attractions to check out while we are there and wish us luck as we travel across the country by sending us a message.